P.O. Box 30484, KIBAHA-PWANI.
+255 (0) 719 225 962



Heritage secondary has a well established school library for supporting learning activities, empowering student so as to be innovators and great competitors as well as increasing knowledge by provision of books, newspapers, and other reading materials to students and staff. The library strives in implementing the main objective of the center, which is to uplift the standard of education in the country by producing quality education with practical skills and knowledge for a purpose.

Within the institution the library supports academic activities and general community with equal and free access to information and knowledge service. The users of the library are students and staff is the one who enjoy the service. Students are offered it training particularly how to search for information from internet and other sources such as newspapers, audio and visual materials.The library and its facilities are freely accessible to all regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, religion, language, literacy level, disability, and economic status. Currently the library serves 360 users daily.